Adrenaline Rush, Salmon Fishing, Nanaimo B.C.
The adrenaline rush for me usually starts the night before. After all these years, sleep still comes slowly as I lay awake contemplating where I’ll be going and what I’ll be using.
Awakened by my alarm the next morning, I am greeted by a bright orange sunrise. Oh ya, another day in paradise! Dressing in my winter woollies, I grabbed a coffee and drove down to the docks where my trusted steed awaited. Thirty minutes later, I was on my way with four enthusiastic quests eager to embark on a new adventure in life.
After dropping a crab pot, we motored out to the fishing grounds. Ten minutes in, we had our first fish to the boat. Just shy of the legal limit, we released it and doubled back. When the rod went off this time, I knew we were into a better fish. Handing the rod over to an experienced angler, it was smiles all the way in. A beautiful 75 cm Chinook. “Largest fish so far this season” I said to my group. What I didn’t know…, it was about to get better. A little over an hour later, the port side rod went off. I knew it big when it hit, popped the clip, and was off on a tear. “Fish on” I cried!
With the rod doubled over, it was the usual deep down head shaking madness followed by a short run halfway to the boat and then another short run beside the boat. Finally, she was in the net. Wow, a beauty measuring 76 cm’s. “My heart was beating like crazy” said the women once the fish was aboard. Yep, I thought to myself. Its something I have often heard my guests say after fighting one of these incredible fish. They truly can be an adrenaline rush.
We boxed one more fish that morning before heading back to retrieve the crab pot full of Dungeness. What a day! What a gift! As their first Westcoast salmon adventure, it was an exhilarating experience. I am sure it will not be their last.